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Tasneem is committed to fostering a community of authenticity, self-expression, and trust. If you decide to share your details, interests, experiences, and other personal information with us, we will strive to create an experience that moves you.

Our Privacy Principles are about more than complying with the law; we want to do the right thing for you and other people we connect with every day.

What Information Does Tasneem Collect?

Name, Mailing address, Email address, mobile number, Order information, Demographic information (for example, age, sex, etc.)

How Is It Collected?

Tasneem collects information you provide in Tasneem stores, when you sign up and when you submit your orders.

Tasneem Purposes For Using Your Information?

Fulfill and manage purchases, orders, and returns/exchanges, Respond to requests for information about Tassneem products and services in our stores, on our websites (including this Site) or mobile application(s) or to otherwise serve you , Administer the Tanseem Rewards® program, Allow you to search for products, check prices, provide product ratings and reviews, track your orders, update information, etc. , Interest based advertising, Improve user experiences, Conduct research and analysis, Deliver coupons, mobile offers, emails, mobile messages, targeted advertising and social media notifications,

How Does Tasneem Protect Your Information?

Tasneem is committed to protecting your information. We have established industry standard administrative, technical, and physical safeguards to help ensure that only authorized members of our workforce with a valid business need are granted access to information supplied by customers. Other controls we use include, but are not limited to, authentication mechanisms, firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption technologies for transferring consumer data with our Site. Additionally, Tasneem performs periodic security reviews to help ensure that unauthorized individuals do not have access to your personal information. However, no e-commerce solution, website, mobile application, database or system is completely secure or hacker proof. You are also responsible for taking reasonable steps to protect your personal information against unauthorized disclosure or misuse.

What Information Does Tasneem Share?

We limit information shared with service providers to what is necessary to fulfill the services. Tasneem may share nonidentifiable or aggregate information with third parties that monitor consumer purchasing trends and product interest or for any other lawful purpose. Third parties also provide aggregate, comparative information on the performance of the Site to us. In addition, Tasneem cooperates in advertising member networks and data cooperatives with other consumer entities where Tasneem may share your personal information such as name, address and general purchase information for marketing / commercial purposes. These advertising networks may inform you about products or services that might interest you. If you prefer to have your personal information not be shared with such advertising member networks and/or data cooperatives, please contact us electronically at: info@tasneemco.com

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